Manuscript Submission
Little Red Cell Publishing is currently accepting unsolicited submission of full length manuscripts of fiction and creative nonfiction throughout the year. Translations and bi-lingual manuscripts will be considered, but all work must be in the English language.
- Submissions are only accepted from current or former US prisoners.
- All submission are to be sent to: Russ Carmichael, Little Red Cell Submission, 236 Hempstead St, New London, CT. 06320. Russ Carmichael will act as the sole literary agent for Little Red Cell and all offers for publication and subsequent editorial decision will be conduct through him.
- The manuscript should be previously unpublished or all publishing rights be held by the author.
- Manuscripts should be double spaced, typed in 12 point Times Roman or Arial, with 1” margins all around. A contents page and pagination would be helpful. Illustrations or photographs maybe included but are to be related to specific text
- Please include a covering letter and a brief synopsis of the book that defines the concept or theme of your book. Also include your previous publishing history and biographical details.
- For former prisoners, all submissions must include a CD with the manuscript, relevant information, and JPEG photographs (300 dpi preferred). This will be duplicated and dispersed to the reading panel.
- For current incarcerated prisoners, all submissions need only consist of a hard copy of their work.
- The first page of the manuscript should include the title, and all contact information, including name, address, email address, and phone number.
- A self-addressed stamped postcard is required to acknowledgement receipt of a manuscript. Manuscripts will be returned if a suitable SASE is supplied.